Conversation on Race Across Campus

This past week at Covenant, the much needed conversation on race received new life as several of our sisters in Christ came and shared some of their experience over the past years. Christina Edmondson, Dean of Intercultural Student Development at Calvin College, and Michelle Higgins, Director of Worship and Outreach at South City Church in St. Louis, both spoke passionately this week in Chapel about racial issues in the Christian community.

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Pugh Review: #MeToo

In the month of October, social media outlets were flooded by #MeToo, with the intent of starting a conversation about the widespread experience of sexual assault and abuse of power. Prompted by the ever-increasing allegations of assault from Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, the hashtag took over newsfeeds with celebrities and friends, men and women alike. Amid debates about mandatory chapel and sabbath regulations, it was interesting to note the loud silence on campus about this subject of immense importance.

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The Beauty of Fake News

Here in America, we have a beautiful thing known as freedom of the press. Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, freedom of the press was created as part of the foundation of liberty in our Republic. Hugo Black, the former Supreme Court Justice said, “The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to bare the secrets of government and inform the people.”

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New Hope in the Star Wars Prequels

In 1999, as Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was awaiting the day of its premier, many extremely excited fans dressed up and waited in line on couches for their spot to see the very first movie of the prequel. Though it may be surprising to today’s audience due to modern negative reactions to the film, the first viewers had favorable thoughts and believed it lived up to their high expectations.

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