Study Tips for the end of the Semester

As the school year begins to ramp up, Covenant students are feeling the pressure of the pile of tests, papers, and exams coming their way in the next month before finals. With the weather turning from cold to glorious, and the end in sight, sitting down to study feels like the least appealing thing imaginable. But it must be done. I offer you some tried and true study tips that will hopefully help you start down the path to straight A’s.

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Loving our Alton Park Neighbors

In the February 18 Global Prayer Watch email, I read this statistic: “Data from Explore TN Health ranks Lookout Mountain (37350) as the number one healthiest zip code in the state. Meanwhile, just down the street in Alton Park (37410), the neighborhood is ranked 604th out of 606 Tennessee zip codes.” Alton Park, the email said, is only six miles away from campus. This caused me to wonder at the stark contrast between life on top of the mountain and life at the base of the mountain and lament over the suffering that was so close and yet felt so distant. So, I sought to learn some of Alton Park’s story.

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“Each generation tends to see war.” Such is the counsel my father gave me as we, inevitably, discussed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. For our generation, entering adulthood and coming of age has been a tumultuous era, to say the least. As a student of the political sciences, and as a Christian, I can honestly say: it’s probably not going to get better. Nevertheless, we need to remember two things: Jesus reigns supreme and sovereign, and He calls us to a pursuit of truth in all things.

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Defining the word ambition

Back in the days of “what do you want to be when you grow up,” I declared myself a future missionary. I don’t know why I thought traveling would be a good idea since a twenty-minute car ride felt like a long journey to me. But I mentioned the idea excitedly to my parents, describing the places I would travel and the things I would share with others.

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On Death

The most convenient way to be philosophical, or to at least pretend to be philosophical among other people, is to talk about the subject of death. It is a subject of such ordinariness, yet such unfamiliarity. Everybody is, minimally, witness to several deaths. Even a two year old child in his mother’s arms and chest would see how maple leaves withered outside the glass window by the chill wind of late autumn. Meanwhile, no one among us that is alive has acquaintance with death himself. It is a thing so foreign to us, yet so common in daily conversations and thoughts.

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Should We Even Care About Orthodoxy?

Going to Covenant has taught me a lot about doctrine and the importance of leaning on scripture to inform my view of God, life, and faithful living. My whole life, I’ve viewed Christianity as counter-cultural and have never been shocked by the objections to my faith that often come in the media, at my place of work, and on secular college campuses. However, what has been more of a surprise to me is how different Christain denominations and Christain colleges have theological views that significantly challenge conservative theological thought and question whether Christian tradition has taken a correct stance on a myriad of doctrinal issues.

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Would Jesus wear a mask?

In the latest edition of the Bagpipe, an article was printed entitled “Jesus Would Wear a Mask.” I’ve decided to respond to the article for a couple of reasons. First, because my immediate reaction when I saw the title was to protest in anger and frustration before reading the author’s argument – a reaction which I think is wrong and all too common. When I decided to read the article anyway, I found that it was actually well-written and convicting – even edifying.

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For God and Country; In Proud Defense of the 2nd Amendment

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” These words are found in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, and find their justification in the God given right to life and freedom as acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence. The right to life is a right held by each individual created by God and with that right comes the ability (and the duty) to protect life.

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What is “the sacred?"

What is “the sacred?” What is it that our culture, or any human culture for that matter, holds sacred? What is it that we, as counter-cultural followers of Christ, should hold sacred? How must we decide whether a cultural artifact is “sacred” or simply “important?” In my three years here at Covenant, my idea of what Christians should hold as sacred has been challenged by both the courses and community we have. What follows is an attempt both to think through our ideas of the sacred and to spark discussion amongst fellow Christians.

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A Renewed Idea of Embarrassment

We often underestimate the power of embarrassment. This strange and frustrating emotion usually accompanies events or mistakes that we would rather not talk about. I’m sure it’s happened to everyone: we trip over something, we drop a dish in the Great Hall, we start singing a verse of a song a little too early in church, and instantly, we are plunged into an awkward shame.

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