The Dandelion: More than a Weed

As the spring months approach and the flowers begin to bud, the continual controversy pops from the melting snow. Is there a natural goodness in dandelions? Are they beautiful flowers? Or are they perched on lawns, little beacons of uncontrolled growth that lie within the bed of the earth? I took it upon myself to find out.

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It’s Okay to Say, “I Don’t Know”

We live in a world that is consistently, if not constantly, asking for our thoughtful reflections on life. More specifically, we are compelled to engage with issues that pertain largely to prevalent moral and ethical issues that cause divisions amongst those within the church, as well as causing tensions with those outside of it (e.g., presidential politics, health care, economics, etc).

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Best Picture Nominees Ranked and Judged

I have long called myself a lover of movies and cinema, though I have not always branched out in the movies I watched. I usually watch shallow, quick-hitting movies with an easy plot and a lot of humor to carry it along. This year I decided to delve deeper into cinema and to watch every single Academy Award Best Picture Nominee. Here are my thoughts, rankings, and judgments.

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Student Senate Doesn’t Matter

It doesn’t. Let’s be real, you don’t know what Student Senate does. I can’t blame you. Student Senate is not affecting your life—it won’t help you get through CHOW readings, it won’t help you find a prime Zone 1 parking spot, and it certainly won’t get you that ring by spring.  

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Grow: Fight FOMO

You are busy. I am busy. College students are busy. Teenagers are busy. Children are busy. Adults are busy. We are all busy.

In a culture where productivity is highly regarded and a full schedule is a mark of importance, busyness becomes an indicator of success.

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