Hello. I am the ghost from finals weeks past. I come to you now because, if I waited till finals week, my counsel would be of no use. I am not a magician, but if you throw in some R’s onto my report card it spells out ABRACADABRA.
Read moreWhat's in a Name?
Lately, I have heard more and more Christians carelessly throwing out the phrase “oh my God!” or “good Lord!” or some other variation of God’s name, in moments of frustration or annoyance without any second thought to what they just said.
Read moreEmbodied
I think I came to college half asleep.
Read moreConfessions of an Egomaniac
Since then, much of my college experience could be summarized as a cycle of trying to be remembered.
Read moreThe Hottest Drinks on Campus
If complaining about the Great Hall sounds more fun than improving your palate’s experience, I won’t lecture you.
Read moreMarriage and the Church
It is springtime at Covenant and we all know what that means: students are gearing up for wedding season.
Read moreMale Majority Senate
Please allow me to preface this article with the fact that I am not in fact bitter about the outcome of the recent senate elections.
Read more#Reply All(en)
In regards to last week’s response, while I agree with Allen on many points, I would like to clarify and contest a few.
Read moreGet off Your PCA High Horse
Whatever the reason may be, we can tend to think of our own tradition as the best way to worship God and see other denominations and traditions as sub par.
Read moreResponse to "Self-Harm" Articles
After reading all three of Margaret Duncan’s articles on self-harm, I found myself asking “who is my struggling neighbor?”
Read moreQ-Women Conference
First and foremost, the ten ladies sponsored by student senate who attended the Q-women conference last semester would like to sincerely thank Student Senate for providing the opportunity to attend.
Read moreLegal Loitering
Covenant students hear quite frequently that they ought to be involved in the local church—just sit through any Community Development or Missions class and it’s sure to come up.
Read moreBeauty in Brokenness
Sometimes I feel like Cameron in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off as he stares into the eyes of that little girl in that painting in that art museum—staring, searching for some meaning beyond what lies at the surface, looking for an answer, maybe?
Read moreA WIC Side Note
Thank you, Covenant, for hosting Dr. William Struthers as this year’s WIC Lecture Series speaker.
Read moreFinding the Fix
I have a few ideas to offer as to how to love your neighbor struggling with self-injury.
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