If you are new to the Bagpipe or to Covenant, I give you full and honest permission to write me off as just someone who is way too cynical.
Read moreAin't No Shame in Reading Something "Lame"
This past summer, I took a job working with the facilities summer team here at Covenant.
Read moreVirtue in Leadership
I have always taken pleasure in debates and good discussion.
Read moreWe Are Americans
In the eyes of many, America as a nation and a culture is on the decline.
Read moreThe Thrill of an Undocumented Memory
Maybe you can relate to feeling torn over wanting to document those Instagram-worthy moments in your life versus simply experiencing them.
Read moreYour Unique Opportunity
To begin, a fact: every student at Covenant College has opinions, and many of them.
Read moreA Backwards Pep Talk
Oliver Sacks, renowned neurologist and author, died last week in his Manhattan home.
Read moreSimpler Joys
Nursing homes, to me, are incredibly depressing.
Read moreGive Christian Art a Chance
Last week, the Bagpipe published an article by Kristie Jaya which argued that we should support “Christian entertainment” despite its flaws, because if we “give it a chance,” it might improve. This is actually an argument I’ve heard many times before, and I’m starting to get tired of it. Here’s why.
Read moreLottery Funds in Covenant Scholarships
I think most Christians agree that gambling is either foolish or sinful, if not both.
Read moreGive Christian Entertainment a Chance
In a community where we believe “In All Things Christ Pre-eminent,” Christian entertainment gets a bad rap. We believe in common grace as one of the reasons The Silence of the Lambs is an artful movie, and I have seen more “not church-approved” movies in Covenant classes than I have all my life. We know doing art and entertainment for the glory of God doesn’t always mean painting a Thomas Kinkade picture of perfect houses glowing with perfect lighting in front of a perfect sunrise.
Read moreFor Next Year
I had just started first grade when my teacher pulled us all over to the carpet and explained to us that school was over for the day. I learned it was closed because some planes had crashed into some big buildings in New York City. She was crying, and that scared me.
Read moreOur Poverty of Purity
I have recently been reflecting on the spiritual formation I experienced in my high school youth group. I want to share how our views on purity may have set us up to fail in dealing with sexual brokenness. Simply put: The thoughts and attitudes of contemporary church culture toward purity are inadequate. There are two primary viewpoints: flippancy and hyper-purity, both of which cause harm in our community.
Read moreResponse to Gender Inequality in the Music Industry
A few weeks ago a Bagpipe article was written that looked at the real amount of gender equality that exists in the music industry. The author begins by talking about how a new producer named Arca was mistakenly given credit for being the only producer of Björk’s album Vulnicura.
Read moreAn Open Apology to Covenant Administration
As I opened up The Bagpipe last week, I was slightly horrified by what I read in Carrie Woodward's article entitled "Mandatory Meal Plan." When I read my own name and the comments about the meal plan that were associated with it, I was shocked by what I read. The comments attributed to my name were highly critical and accusatory. I couldn't believe I had actually written them on the change.org petition, so I went and checked to make sure I hadn't been misquoted or taken out of context. To my embarrassment, those were my words.
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